Protect your company
and your employees

Ensures an ethical work environment and complies with current legislation

External whistleblowing channel software

Your comprehensive solution

Since December 2023, the new regulation (Law 2/2023) requires all companies with 50 or more employees to implement an effective whistleblowing channel, accompanied by a specific internal protocol for managing such complaints. This measure aims to promote a culture of transparency and responsibility, but also imposes new challenges and risks of sanctions for those who do not comply.

Protect your business and stay ahead of the legal curve with our innovative solution: a cloud-based whistleblowing channel software, specifically designed to facilitate regulatory compliance efficiently and securely. Our platform not only helps you avoid costly sanctions but also fosters a safer and more transparent work environment where your employees feel heard and valued.

What makes WeOk different from the rest?

For any device

In the digital age, flexibility and accessibility are key to keeping your team connected and efficient. We understand this perfectly and stand out from the rest by offering a platform that is completely adaptable to any device.

Deploy your channel in record time: in just 2 minutes

We value your time: with just a couple of clicks, generate and paste the link to your channel directly on your website. Without technical complications or waits. Before your coffee is done, your company will be promoting transparency and complying with the law.

Deploy your channel in record time: in just 2 minutes

We value your time: with just a couple of clicks, generate and paste the link to your channel directly on your website. Without technical complications or waits. Before your coffee is done, your company will be promoting transparency and complying with the law.

Immediate registration and no need for a credit card

Enjoy the freedom of a hassle-free sign-up process without commitments or obligations. Simply register and access our free 15-day demo to experience what our software can do for your company.

Discover the companies that have already created a safe work environment with us

Logo Ensenada
Logo Canaliza
Logo Kewomedia
Logo Rightmos
Logo Sigmoid
Logo Ensenada
Logo Canaliza
Logo Kewomedia
Logo Rightmos
Logo Sigmoid

How does WeOk work?

Transforming regulatory compliance into a simple and accessible process. WeOk is a SaaS platform specifically designed to simplify the management of legal compliance for your company.

Our goal is clear: to provide you with a robust and easy-to-use solution that ensures compliance with current regulations without complications. With WeOk, ensuring legality and security in your organization is easier than ever.

External whistleblowing channel


Support in 5 languages for inclusive and effective communication.

Mandatory reporting channel

Total customization

Adapt the whistleblowing channel to the image of your company.

Company reporting channel

Bidirectional communication

Protected and private exchange with the complainant for greater security.

Web whistleblowing channel

Role and department management

Organize your team for optimized efficiency.

Whistleblowing software

Confidential Complaint

Ensures the anonymity and security of the complainant.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Adds an extra layer of security, protecting access to the platform with two-step verification.

Whistleblowing complaints channel

Bcrypt encryption

Advanced data protection with the bcrypt algorithm for maximum security and confidentiality.

Complaints channel software

Quarterly deletion and blocking according to Law

We automate the process of deleting unattended cases every 3 months and block resolved ones, preserving them historically, to strictly comply with legal regulations.

Compliance reporting channel

Phone support

Direct and personalized assistance through a call.

Register now and start using the software today

Free trial


Total customization

Bidirectional communication

Role management

Anonymous complaint

Bcrypt encryption

Quarterly blocking

The opinion of our clients is the most important

Natalia Sanz

Natalia Sanz

Sigmoid RRHH

"The software for the whistleblowing channel has simplified and accelerated the process of receiving and managing reports. The intuitive platform facilitates the submission of anonymous complaints, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the process. The integration with other internal systems has optimized case management and communication with employees."

Guillermo Hita

Guillermo Hita

Ensenada CEO

"The implementation of the software has promoted a culture of transparency and ethics within the organization. Employees feel more secure and confident in reporting irregularities, knowing that their complaints will be taken seriously and managed professionally."

Hugo Suárez

Hugo Suárez

Canaliza Software, CMO

"The software for the whistleblowing channel has been an integral solution for our organization. The platform offers a wide range of functionalities that cover the entire cycle of complaint management, from reception and classification to investigation and resolution."

WeOk in the media

Who has spoken about us?

Frequently Asked Questions

Whistleblowing Channel

In Spain, the implementation of a whistleblowing channel in companies has become a legal obligation for those with more than 50 employees. This measure was established to strengthen the fight against corruption and promote an ethical and transparent work environment. Whistleblowing channels allow employees to report, confidentially and safely, any illegal activity or breach of the company's internal regulations, without fear of retaliation.

This obligation is part of the transposition in Spain of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and the Council, of 23 October 2019, relative to the protection of persons who report infringements of the Union's rights, also known as the Directive on Whistleblowers. The directive aims to protect workers who report infringements and ensure that companies have appropriate procedures to manage these reports.

The main companies and organizations required to implement a whistleblowing channel include:

  • Private companies with 50 or more employees: The obligation to implement a whistleblowing channel applies to all private companies that have 50 or more employees. This includes a wide range of companies, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that reach this threshold of employees, to large corporations.
  • Public sector entities, regardless of their size: All public sector entities must establish whistleblowing channels, regardless of the number of employees. This includes public administrations, governmental bodies, and any other entity financed with public funds.
  • Empresas y organizaciones que operan en ciertos sectores regulados: Independientemente de su tamaño, las empresas que operan en sectores específicamente regulados, como el financiero, la prevención del blanqueo de capitales, y la protección del medio ambiente, entre otros, están obligadas a implementar canales de denuncias. Esto se debe a la alta relevancia de la transparencia y el cumplimiento normativo en estos sectores.

Private sector entities employing 50 or more workers must have whistleblowing channels in place by December 17, 2023.

For public sector entities, the obligation to implement these channels is immediate, regardless of the number of employees, from the entry into force of the law (February 20, 2023).

Economic sanctions: One of the direct consequences for organizations that do not comply with the obligation to implement a whistleblowing channel is the imposition of economic sanctions. The law establishes a sanctioning regime for those who fail to comply with provisions related to the protection of whistleblowers, including substantial fines, depending on the severity of the non-compliance.

Reputational damage: The lack of a whistleblowing channel can be perceived negatively by the public, customers, investors, and other stakeholders. In an era where corporate responsibility and transparency are highly valued, failing to meet these expectations can significantly damage the reputation of an organization.

Legal and compliance risks: By not having a formal mechanism for the reception and management of complaints, organizations expose themselves to a greater risk of not detecting or properly acting upon internal legal or ethical violations. This can result in lawsuits, investigations by regulatory authorities, and other legal issues.

Impact on organizational culture: The absence of a whistleblowing channel can negatively affect employees' perception of their organization's commitment to ethics and integrity. This could result in reduced employee confidence and job satisfaction, as well as a decrease in employees' willingness to report improper conduct internally.

Competitive disadvantage: In sectors where ethics and compliance are important criteria for selecting suppliers or commercial partners, not having a whistleblowing channel can place an organization at a competitive disadvantage compared to those that do demonstrate a strong commitment to transparency and corporate responsibility.


We offer a free 15-day trial period so you can get to know our service and check how easy it is to implement and use. After that time, you can opt for subscription through our platform through a basic payment and billing process.

In just a few minutes, you can implement the solution within your company, customizing it with your corporate image, embedding it in your website, as well as generating the structure for handling complaints and their reporting process.

There is no commitment. We offer two subscription options; Monthly with automatic renewal but with the option to cancel the service without any consequences. Annual with a single payment and the possibility of renewing it after that period.

You can access our subscription fees through the following link:

Our company is 100% Spanish, and offers configuration for all the co-official languages of the State (Spanish, Catalan, Basque, and Galician), as well as in English.